
How Does a Computer Virus Spread ?

  Answer: Computer virus can spread in several ways. Some are explained here: A computer virus begins to work and spread whenever you start up the infected program or application. For example, any word processing application that contains the virus will place the virus in the memory every time the program is run. Once the virus is copied onto the computer memory it may get programmed to attach to other applications, disks or folders. It may also infect a network. These viruses behave in different ways. Some stay active only till the infected application is running. They become inactive when the computer shuts down. Other viruses operate every time you start your computer after they have infected a system file or network.

What are the features of python?

Answer: The important features of python are listed below: Python source code is freely available. It is a loosely typed object oriented programming language with few keywords and simple English like structure, therefore easy to learn.  It supports G raphical U ser I nterface (GUI).

What is Python?

  Answer: Python is a high-level programming language which is open source and object oriented. Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991. It is presently owned by Python Software Foundation (PSF).         Python is an interactive language with simple syntax that allows developers to write robust programs easily and efficiently. Python is an interpreter based scripting language which can be used: to create web based applications. to handle large amounts of data. to perform complex calculations. to connect to database systems and to read and modify files.

What is full form of BIOS?

  Answer: B asic I nput O utput S ystem

What is Computer Language?

  Answer : A language which helps the users to communicate with the computer is known as computer language.

What is Computer?

  Answer : A computer is an electronic device that accept input from the users, process it and display the output.